Rental Property Insurance: What You Should Know About It

Many renters don’t stop to think about what happens if there is a fire, someone breaks in and steals their new TV or stereo, or a visitor slips and falls on their property. The sad truth is; you will be responsible! While your landlord has

insurance that covers the actual building, that coverage does not include your personal property or liability for injuries which occur in the space you rent ~ be it an apartment or a house and yard. 

If a fire should destroy or damage your home, your landlord’s insurance will cover the structure. It won’t cover damage or loss of your belongings. Neither will it provide for the cost of temporary housing for you and your family.

You may think you don’t own enough personal property to make the cost of insurance worthwhile. You’re probably wrong! If you sit down and add up the cost of everything you own, you may be in for a big surprise. Consider what you have invested in such things as:

• Furniture and accessories

• Electronics like TV, stereo, computers

• Small appliances like microwaves, toaster ovens, etc.

• Clothing

• Art work like paintings or prints

• Dishes, silverware and cookware

• Sporting equipment

• Books

• Jewelry

Could you afford to replace all of these things? 

Even worse, what would you do if a friend is injured on your property and decides to sue you for medical costs and more? It’s a scary thought, isn’t it? 

Are you beginning to see why rental insurance may be a very wise investment?

The cost of rental insurance is based on several factors:

• The dollar amount of your coverage

• Deductibles

• Whether you choose to be reimbursed for Actual Cash Value or Replacement Costs (more about that in a minute)

• Where your rental property is located and the number of previous claims made, not only by you, but by others living in the same area. 

Let me explain the difference between Actual Cash Value (ACV) and Replacement Costs. ACV is the value of your property at the time a loss takes place. For example, if your television set is five years old, it’s valued at much less than if it were brand new. The lesser amount is what you are reimbursed. 

However, if you opt for Replacement Cost, you’re paid whatever it costs to go out and buy a new TV with similar features. Insuring for replacement cost raises the amount of your premium so it’s a good idea to get quotes for both ACV and Replacement Cost policies. Then you can decide which option fits your needs and budget. 

Another thing to keep in mind is that jewelry, valuable collections, and guns are usually covered under a separate policy or “rider”. If you own these kinds of items, be sure to tell your insurance agent. You don’t want to find out after disaster strikes that they aren’t covered or that they aren’t covered for their true value. 

One way you can reduce the cost of your rental insurance is to check with whichever company insures your car. If they provide rental insurance you may be eligible for a multi-line discount.

Rental insurance may be worth the investment just for the peace of mind it offers you.

A Checklist For Moving: Real Estate Ultimate Guideness

The very thought of it can send chills down our spine and can cause us to break out into a cold sweat. Experts say that any kind of “change” creates “stress”. Moving, (and especially if we are relocating to a new city or state), represents a huge change and naturally brings a great amount of stress along with it. This can be a double whammy, because stress can lead to a lack of energy and motivation. Many of us tend to procrastinate during stressful periods of our lives. This is one time, though, when we must rise above that. When preparing for a move we need to put the pedal to the metal and get a lot of things done. This checklist contains many suggestions that may seem like “no-brainers”. However, the very act of printing out these simple suggestions and reminders can become a significant security blanket as the dreaded time approaches. Moving and relocating calls for being proactive, grabbing the bull by the horns and actually completing certain chores well in advance of their deadlines. Hopefully this little paper will help you to accomplish that. In this particular article we are leaving out the “big things” such as finding the best moving company, researching your new neighborhood’s transportation, parking, employment, etc. Those are for other articles on another day. Today we are concentrating on the basics of planning and preparation.

Get rid of what you don’t need.

Many of us are “pack rats”. One thing that we can accomplish immediately is going through all of our “stuff” and getting rid of what we don’t need anymore. Moving unwanted clothing and bric-a-bracs from one place of residence to another is a great waste of time and effort. It is surprising how much more in control we feel once we start narrowing down our “inventory” to what we actually need to keep. Getting rid of the unwanted items can be done by having a garage sale long before moving time and then donating the leftovers to the Salvation Army or other charitable groups.

Get all important papers and documents together and secure them.

Since moving is hectic, to say the least, we need to be aware of the exact location of all of our important items. Things that we absolutely must not lose or misplace should certainly be hand carried, not put in a box for the movers: 

Address Books, Birth Certificates, Bank Statements, Checks, Credit Cards and Statements, Home Movies, Irreplaceable Memorabilia, Insurance Policies, Marriage Records, Medical and Dental Records, Military Records, Passports, Photos and Photo Albums, Resumes, School Records, Stock Certificates, Tax Returns, Telephone Numbers, Valuables, Vehicle Documents, Wills.

Prepare well in advance for living at your new location.

There are many things that we can do at our new location well in advance of our move that will help smooth out the bumps and grinds of our relocation process when the actual event occurs: Open up new bank accounts. Open up a new Safe Deposit Box. Contact the new area utility companies and arrange for your new services. These can include Cable TV, gas, electric, oil, telephone, water and Internet access. Arrange for new medical providers. If you are moving to a new state, contact the DMV and get forms necessary to re-register your vehicles. Contact your insurance companies and find out if your car insurance, homeowner’s insurance, etc. can be transferred. If not, find an Insurance Broker in your new area and discuss your needs and requirements for new policies. Go to the post office and get a moving kit. Prepare change of address forms for all of your correspondents; credit card companies, other credit accounts, banks, insurance companies, current utility companies for final statements, magazines and other subscriptions, family, friends, and any other persons or businesses that you correspond with on a regular basis.

As the time approaches, get a nice new legal pad.

As moving day approaches and when the moving process actually begins, you don’t want to be hunting for phone numbers in wallets, purses, or address books. Have a nice new legal pad ready with all important phone numbers written clearly and legibly for both your old and new contacts: Banks, Doctors, Emergency contacts, Family members, Friends, Landlords or Real Estate Brokers, Movers, Pharmacies Schools, Storage Facilities, Utilities.

With proper planning and preparation the moving process, though never fun, can at least be sane. With proper planning and preparation the utilities at your present address can be disconnected the day after you move and the utilities at your new address can be connected the day prior to your arrival. With proper planning and preparation you will not be frantically searching for a new doctor or pharmacy, if that unfortunate need arises. With proper planning and preparation you will have all of your important documents at the tip of your fingers at all times. With proper planning and preparation your mail will start arriving the day after you move in to your new abode and your life will endure a minimum of chaos and clutter.

Good luck with your move and good luck in your new home or apartment.

Cape Coral Florida real estate – 5th Fastest City in Growth

No, there’s no Starbucks here. And you won’t find a regional mall or any big name bookstores either. 

But according to the latest U.S. Census Bureau News report issued on June 21, 2006, Cape Coral Florida remains the ffifth-fastest growing city in the country! Owners of Cape Coral Florida real estate are rejoicing. 

Why? Because Cape Coral Florida real estate values are poised to continue it’s double digit growth.

The Census report, released on June 21, 2006, said the city grew at 9.2 percent from July 1, 2004, to July 1, 2005, reaching a total population of 140,000. Almost a year later, 154,000 people live here, based on city estimates. Cape Coral also was No. 5 on the census growth chart in 2003-2004.

Florida had three cities among the 10 fastest growing in the nation: Port St. Lucie (third), Cape Coral (fifth) and Miramar (eighth). 

For buyers wanting a waterfront lifestyle, Cape Coral real estate offers miles of canals to the Gulf of Mexico, and is in great demand.

Bordered on the east by the Caloosahatchee River and on the west by the Gulf of Mexico, Cape Coral Florida real estate provides thousands of waterfront property opportunities with access to the Gulf.

Founded in 1970, Cape Coral Florida’s year round temperature averages 76 degrees. Cape Coral can very well be known as the “new Naples”.

The second largest city in the state spanning 115 square miles, Cape Coral has been coined the “Venice of the West” as it hosts 400 miles of canals.

Real estate buyers can take advantage of the unique Cape Coral Florida real estate opportunity by locking in at yesterday’s prices. Says one local Realtor, “Instead of saying, ‘I can’t afford it,’ why not ask yourself ‘How can I afford it?'”

Cape Coral Florida real estate provides abundant lifestyle opportunities to raise a family, start a business, or get a job with one of the new companies that have also recently relocated to the area. 

Cape Coral Florida is also a wonderful place to retire with some of the best golfing and boating to be found anywhere.

Considering all that Cape Coral has to offer, it’s no surprise that the Cape Coral real estate market is healthy.

Whether it is the boating, fishing, golfing, restaurants, or great weather Cape Coral Florida real estate offers, this beautiful city does not seem to disappoint.

Real Estate Exchange Companies

The easiest method to begin a 1031 Exchange transaction is to contact a good Exchange Company. The information concerning the exchanger, time and place of the closings, and a copy of the contract to sell the relinquished property are the preliminary papers to start the process. 

From this information, the company makes exchange documents and forwards them to the attorney or customer. The lowest fee charged on a standard deferred exchange is $600.

A 1031 Exchange, like any real estate transaction, involves balancing competing pressures in speed and quality. Therefore, companies in this line recognize pressures and design their service to satisfy both. 

Good companies manage all aspects of the exchange. They provide service that is quick, easy to use and backed by experience. In good companies, experienced attorneys are the managers. The senior staff will be rich in experience with regard to investment property transactions. The specialized team of attorneys mainly deals with more complex reverse and build-to-suit exchanges.

The main parameters that distinguish a good and bad exchange company are speed, service and the security they offer the client.  Speed lies in the pace at which the company prepares the document. The documents are then sent to the closing table, allowing the seller to close and proceed with the exchange.  Service is the dexterity in preparing all documents required for the exchange, including reminders of 45 and 180-day time limits and extensive complimentary consultations.

Security comes in the form of an unconditional guarantee on exchange funds from Insurance Companies: high value fidelity bond coverage and Professional Liability insurance cover.

These days, banks are working with Exchange Service providers.  The Cole Taylor Bank of Chicago is one of the largest independent banks in Chicago, and joined hands with Nationwide Exchange Services (NES) of Cupertino in California in a strategic alliance for handling Cole Taylor’s tax-deferred 1031 Exchange business.  This Chicago bank specializes in serving the business banking, real estate lending and wealth management of closely-held and family owned small and mid-sized businesses. Cole Taylor Bank is an Equal Housing Lender.

Nationwide Exchange Services is a leading Qualified Intermediary for Tax-Deferred 1031 Exchanges and has conducted thousands of successful 1031 Exchange transactions. It is applying advanced technologies and secure business processes to enhance standards of financial security, visibility and customer service to establish new standards for products and services in 1031 tax-deferred Exchanges.

The alliance enabled the Bank to become part of the NES team and benefited in becoming the primary financial custodian for NES in the Midwest Region. The alliance also helped the bank to offer their customers an expanded set of tax-deferred 1031 Exchange products, such as reverse and build-to-suit exchanges, at the most competitive cost structure.

The systems from NES combined with the bank Cole Taylor’s financial security and brand recognition has spurred confidence in the customers.  Collaboratively, they bring distinct advantages to all 1031 customer sets, right commercial developers and corporate entities to individual investors.

6 Reasons WHY John Reese’s VRE(Virtual Real Estate) Concept Is The Way To Go

Who would of ever guessed that Virtual Real Estate on the Internet would one day make many netpreneurers thousands, if not, millions of dollars.

I know I sure didn’t when I first got started online, but am glad I ran across the concept while searching the web one night.

The facts are true and John Reese who is an Internet pioneer and the author of one of the Internets most powerful home study courses called “Traffic Secrets” is just one of those individuals who is successfully profiting from his Virtual Real Estate empire as we speak.

John Reese has been around since the being when the Internet first became a commercial entity and knows what works and what doesn’t online simply because he is known as a Test Freak(I mean that in a good way John).

Now, some of you might be wondering what Virtual Real Estate is so I’ll give you a quick definition:

Virtual Real Estate is simply a Information Packed website with hundreds, if not, thousands of webpages full of targeted information.

That’s all they are. It doesn’t have to get any more complicated then that.

I’ll also give you some examples of VRE sites towards the end of this article.

Now that you know what Virtual Real Estate is, what there main purpose is and who is successfully doing it right now, lets dive into the — “6 Reasons WHY John Reese’s VRE (Virtual Real Estate) Concept Is The Way To Go In 2006”.

Reason #1. People come online for Information.

One of the main reasons WHY people come online is to search for Information that’s either related to a problem they’re facing or for some consumer reviews on a particular product or service they’re thinking about purchasing.

People rarely come online with the intent to buy something. Most of the time it’s for Information.

How do you think the Internet got the nickname – The Information Super-Highway.

Reason #2. VRE sites can target any Niche.

This is the true beauty of VRE sites simply because they can target ANY niche on the planet, it doesn’t matter.

They can be about Pets, Sports, Business, Family, Hobbies, and the list goes on and on.

I think you get the picture.

Reason #3. Us other peoples content.

The real cool thing about VRE sites is you don’t have to produce ANY of your own content if you don’t want to.

There are literally hundreds of places on the web where you can get and use other peoples work to build your VRE empire, and more importantly, they’re more then happy to give it to you.

Reason #4. Google will pay you if you want.

Want to make some CASH at the same time?

Good, because Google will happily pay you for adding a little piece of code to your webpages by signing up for their Google Adsense program, and depending on what market your targeting, they could pay you some handsome commissions every month and all that is required to get paid is for someone to click on one of the Googles ads.

And again, all this can be achieved without you writing a single word.

Pretty COOL!!

Reason #5. Add targeted affiliate programs for more CASH.

Want to make even more money with your VRE sites?

Depending on what market your targeting like in Reason #4, you can also add others peoples affiliate programs that are targeted towards the content within your VRE site that usually pay between 35% to 75% on every sale made.

If you’ve been online for any length of time then you know that content is an excellent way to Pre-Sell to your potential customer, so you’ve already gotten your foot in the door to possibably make a potential sale.

There are many places online that offer affiliate programs. Simply type in – affiliate directories – into any search engine and they will display all the results for you.

Reason #6. Unlimited FREE Traffic to your VRE sites.

The more your VRE site or sites grow, the more FREE targeted traffic you’ll get.

Your probably asking, “where the heck does this FREE traffic come from?”

I’ll tell you where it comes from. It comes from search engines like Google, MSN, Yahoo!, just to name a few.

Content is “Search Engine Food”. And search engines love content, so in order for them to be continually fed the search engines send out a little robots called “Spiders” which crawl the web continuously looking for NEW webpages to index into their database.

So, the more content that is added to your VRE site or sites, the more often these little “Spiders” will stop by to give your VRE site a crawl and index any new content you’ve added.

Point being, the more optimized webpages your VRE site or sites have that get index, the more FREE search engine traffic you’ll receive.

Do you see NOW how Powerful VRE sites are and why you should consider building a network of these that target different niches?

All your doing is giving your potential customer what they want which is Information and at the same time offering them a solution by adding Google Adsense ads and targeted affiliate programs, which is where you get paid for your efforts.

And remember, you don’t even have to write a single word if you don’t want to, and you still get paid!

John Reese really hit a home run with this concept I have to say which is way he encourages all to start building and growing them.

Now as I mentioned at the beginning that I would give you some examples of what a VRE site might be so here are a few examples for you to get started with: Article Directories, Review Sites, Directories, Mini Sites and Niche Blogs.

Well, that’s it. Now it’s up to you to get your creative juices flowing and start building your network of profitable VRE sites.