It is human nature to dream. Everyone who strives to achieve a certain status in his or her life dream of many achievements and at some time of their life these dreams revolve around the ultimate achievement for many people – owning a home. Some go even further and dream of perhaps owning few real estate properties as investments. It is when these dreams are in the process of being realized that one encounters the ugly fact that they have to deal out over six percent of the value to a broker – whether one is selling home or buying home. This could amount to a lot of cash, however, Help-U-Sell seem to be the answer to these woes, with their set fee system as opposed to a percentage brokerage system, they can save a lot of cash, and we are talking thousands of dollars not penny pinching – both for real estate buyers and real estate sellers.
Trained professionals at your service
The difference here is that they don’t charge you the conventional six percent fee that all other real estate brokerage firms and individuals charge. They have what they call a ‘set fee system’ for their clients and this definitely works out far more economical than having to dole out 6 percent of the property cost plus the taxes. If you compare the fixed fee the clientele paid to ‘Help-U-Sell’ with the 6 percent they would have had to pay as conventional brokerage they have actually saved 400 million dollars for their ever growing client base in a single year. That really proves that the set fee system truly is customer centric – benefiting both Real Estate Buyers and Real Estate Sellers, the same way.
Help-U-Sell authorizes licensed real estate agents to help you buy home or sell home. These individuals are highly trained professionals who take you through the entire process of buying or selling a property. These real estate services include listing the property, handling negotiations, offering referrals to other service providers, showing the property to the prospective buyer, and over all providing their reputed representation that guarantees the property to have a clear title. These licensed professionals charge a professional fee set by the company instead of a percentage of the property’s current value. This proves to be a saving of about fifteen thousand dollars, on a property valued at five hundred thousand dollars, for both the buyer as well as the seller. Imagine the things you could do with this kind of savings! New furnishings, bathroom fittings, or just about anything.
Value for money
Another advantage of Help-U-Sell is that when they advertise your property they are doing just that, they will not infringe on your advertisement time and space by advertising their services. This ensures value for money and also getting the point home to prospective buyers. Buyers can browse through over two million listings on their site and then, for a set fee rather than a percentage of the value of the property, solicit the services of these highly professional group and transact a completely trouble free real estate transaction.
The fact that thousands of clients are turning to a set-fee system for selling or buying of property proves the popularity and cost effectiveness of the set fee system. With their set fee system Help-U-Sell is definitely going places after appointing over 60 franchises in the U.S., establishing 14 offices in South Africa and now have set up base in the Philippines, Seems like the set fee system of real estate is here to stay.