Real estate, as said time and again, has been slowly picking up from where it left off in 1996, that is, aggressive buying by local bred people who are now residing in various parts of the world, particularly the United States of America and Canada regions. Filipinos who have opted to take their talents for better paying jobs abroad have allowed them to consider making investments in local properties, known to be among the affordable and feasible manners of investing for their future and their dependents. There is of course the difference between high-end and low-end sectors, but regardless, the bottom line is one of our basic hierarchy of needs according to Maslow’s hierarchy, that of which is shelter.
But wait, it is not all about security but more on studying the opportunities of being able to establish a medium of investment and income from outside the usual profession that most people practice everyday. Visitors, with emphasis on foreigners from other countries look for the cheapest means of lodging, especially when they want to make the most out of their trips. The Philippines is known to be among the top spots for foreigners to go to, especially once vacation time comes for them. Cost is definitely competitive, and compared to their normal neighboring countries of tourist attraction spots, people want something different. The belief that the world offers a lot is usually one of the reasons why foreigners immediately look towards the Philippine tourist spots, especially the beaches and resorts like Boracay and Palawan areas, have been the forefront of the aggressive investment of the country towards tourism. Come the summer time, even the local inhabitants crowd these places, and despite the inconveniences, they will go at nothing to be able to satisfy their hunger for a well-deserved break from reality.
With this in mind, foreigners see it as an opportunity to be able to make advanced bookings by being situated here locally before the expected boom and overcrowding of reservations and accommodations set in during the second quarter of the year. Finding alternative places to live in outside hotels which cost as high as $50.00 per day, depending on the type of hotel they are looking at, can be saved if they can find locally available condominium units for rent. Places that are usually the landing spot for most temporarily staying foreigner include the high class Rockwell Power Plant in Makati, Eastwood Condominiums in Quezon City, and The Fort at the Fort Bonifactio Area. Condominiums are being strategically constructed here, and there are also units that are being rented or sold at a fair price.
Among the offerings is located at the Rizal Condominiums, located beside the Professional Graduate School of Ateneo. Rizal Condominium is largely dominated in terms of occupancy by foreigners.
Current Properties for Sale
There is one unit being offered at the moment for sale at P30,000,000.00 and fully furnished. What surprises me the most is that this same price is close to the actual offering before the entire property was built and is certainly a good buy. I have yet to get the details from my sister-in-law who works in a bank, and I know the sale is really needed as soon as possible.
Just recently, another unit located in the classy area of Anapolis, Greenhills is being offered as well. A small pad worth P10,0000,000.00 is up for grabs at the One Beverly Place, one of the posh condominium units that can be seen along the busy streets of Anapolis Street, Greenhills. It is a good place to stay, especially for visitors who are in search of cheap goods and a relaxing place to stay since local folks come in droves to be able to kill their time and get good buys of consumer items such as designer clothes, electronic devices, cellular phones and computer peripherals.
Hence the investment for these type of properties is aimed at high-end markets. But considering the appraisal of land value, for sure, this is the interest gained from initial investments, something that money in the bank cannot even match as far as long term investments are concerned.